Join in on the T-Ball fun this summer!
The Essex Town Little League Instructional T-Ball program is designed to introduce the players to the game of baseball and softball while teaching basic baseball and softball skills.

T-Ball provides boys and girls ages 4, 5 and 6 with a fun, relaxed environment where they are taught the basics of baseball. Children are taught the basics of throwing, catching, and hitting in a fun environment where the number one priority is having a good time!
- Eligible for boys and girls ages 4,5, and 6, typically kindergarten and first graders
- Scores and standings are not kept -- it's all about fun and learning the game!
- Practices/games are held within the track at Foster Park Fields, typically from 5:30 to 7pm
- First-year players will be playing on Monday and Wednesday while returning players will be playing on Tuesday and Thursday
You will also be able to get information on team pictures, practice schedules, and other items by speaking with your son or daughter's coach.